2021-05-02: News Headlines

David Swanson (2021-05-02). Ground the Drones. warisacrime.org By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, May 2, 2021 There are a number of hurdles to clear before you can get people to support banning armed drones or surveillance drones. One is the existence of good drones. It seems silly, but it is the number one cause of failures to pass local resolutions against drones. …

William Hogan (2021-05-01). The Ongoing Torture and Medical Neglect of Julian Assange. globalresearch.ca Doctors for Assange was led by Dr. Stephen Frost and his colleagues. | The report below was initially published in The Lancet on June 25, 2020 | Dr. Frost is currently leading a new initiative entitled

WSWS (2021-05-01). Ten years since WikiLeaks and Assange published the Guantánamo Files. wsws.org The files exposed the lawless global network established by the US and its allies as part of their "war on terror."

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