Monthly Archives: January 2022

2022-01-29: News Headlines

_____ (2022-01-28). US And Russia Climb Escalation Ladder. The corporate media in the United States are breathlessly covering Russia's every move right now while U.S. politicians are aggressively pushing new sanctions and arms shipments to Ukraine. | But how is the conflict viewed from the other side? Dr. Oleg Barabanov, Academic Director of the European Studies Institute at MGIMO University, joins the show to bring light to the issues from the Russian perspective. | Ben Chacko, editor of the Morning Star in Britain, explains why people in the West should be paying close attention to the conflict.

Revolution Books (2022-01-28). Sunday 1/30: America's Torture Chamber: 20 Years of Guantanamo… It Must Be Closed NOW! Revolution Books, 2444 Durant Ave. Berkeley CA 94704…

Mark Gruenberg, John Wojcik (2022-01-28). Protesters at White House condemn U.S. push for war with Russia. WASHINGTON—U.S. imperialism and the greed of military contractors are behind the rising tensions between the Biden administration and Russia over Ukraine, leaders of some 100-plus protesters in front of the White House, in the frigid cold, said on Jan. 28. "The majority of the American people do not want war," declared Olivia DiNucci of CODEPINK, …

Editor (2022-01-28). Ralph Nader on Morton Mintz— Investigative Nemesis of Corporate Criminals — Turning 100. Morton Mintz. [ By Ralph Nader | "Hi Mort," began my calls to Morton Mintz who would invariably answer his phone promptly at the Washington Post. "I've got a story," to which Mintz would respond warily: "Tell me about it." And so it went for nearly twenty years with me and lots of other citizen advocates, whistleblowers, and congressional committee staff. More than any other reporter, Mintz broke open the walls surrounding the media's non-coverage of serious consumer, en…

2022-01-29 20:54 | 16:54 EST | jz | 6 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 0 

2022-01-28: News Headlines

Revolution Books (2022-01-28). Sunday 1/30: America's Torture Chamber: 20 Years of Guantanamo… It Must Be Closed NOW! Revolution Books, 2444 Durant Ave. Berkeley CA 94704…

Binoy Kampmark (2022-01-27). Off to the Supreme Court: Assange's appeal continues. Wikileaks founder Julian Assange's legal team has been granted leave to appeal to Britain's Supreme Court against his extradition to the United States, reports Binoy Kampmark.

_____ (2022-01-27). Speech Is Only Free If Dissenting Voices Get Heard. How many journalists are capable of doing what Julian Assange did to expose the criminality of the powerful? Not many. How many are both capable and willing? Fewer still. How many of those are now willing after seeing what's being done to Assange? Even fewer. And that's what his persecution is all about.

Editor (2022-01-27). John Pilger on Julian Assange's Extradition Appeal. The British High Court of England and Wales on Monday said it would allow the imprisoned publisher of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, to, in essence, appeal a ruling that would have seen him extradited to the United States where he faces a possible 175 years in prison for the publication of classified documents and videos. | The High Court technically refused to allow an appeal to the Supreme Court, but, in a legal loophole, it left it up to that court to determine whether it will grant permission to consider one legal issue. | "We certify a single point of law … in what circumstances can an appellate court re…

sputniknews (2022-01-27). Assange Should Be Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize, His Fiancee Says. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Stella Moris, the fiancee of jailed WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, suggested on Thursday that he be nominated for the Nobel Prize for his contributions to world peace.

sputniknews (2022-01-27). Better Late Than Never? Catalonia Pardons 1,000 People Tortured, Killed for Witchcraft. An anti-witch and wizardry frenzy swept much of Europe during the early modern era, with the regions of Basque and Catalonia witnessing some of the largest and most gruesome judgements against witchcraft in the Iberian Peninsula despite general scepticism toward the phenomenon by the Spanish Inquisition.

2022-01-28 20:55 | 16:55 EST | jz | 8 | 0 | 5 | 1 | 0