2024-05-17: News Headlines

Shawn Musgrave, Black Agenda Report. (2024-05-17). Even Biden's Lawyers Urge The White House To Change Course On Gaza. popularresistance.org In a message to Attorney General Merrick Garland and other senior officials this week, federal government attorneys invoked British abolitionist William Wilberforce: "You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know." | The letter , drafted by unnamed legal and policy staff at more than two dozen federal agencies, argues that the U.S. is violating domestic and international law by providing a steady stream of weapons to Israel despite evidence of war crimes in Gaza. Drawing comparisons to the infamous "torture memos," which were drafted by government lawyers to provide cover…

John Kiriakou, Consortium News. (2024-05-17). The Heroism Of David McBride. popularresistance.org Sometimes a whistleblower does everything right. He or she makes a revelation that is clearly in the public interest. The revelation is clearly a violation of the law. And then he or she is even more clearly abused by the government. It would be great if these stories always had happy endings. Unfortunately, they don't. | In this case, the whistleblower, the hero, Australian David McBride has been sentenced to five years and eight months in prison for telling the truth. He will not be eligible for parole for 27 months. | David McBride is former British Army officer and a lawyer with the Australian Special Forces…

News Desk, The Cradle. (2024-05-17). USAID Whistleblowers Accuse Biden Of 'Direct Complicity' In Gaza Famine. popularresistance.org Current and former officials from the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the State Department say the White House has ignored months of internal warnings about the spread of famine in the besieged Gaza Strip, according to an in-depth investigation by the Independent. | "I believe the US to be complicit in creating the conditions for famine. Not only has our response been woefully inadequate, but we're actively responsible in large part for it," a USAID employee told the British daily. | Internal documents reviewed by the Independent show that staffers have repeatedly warned USAID administrator Sa…

MEE staff (2024-05-17). Hezbollah launches drones at Israel following Thursday assassination. middleeasteye.net Hezbollah launches drones at Israel following Thursday assassination | Israel is expected to present its defence over new hearings ordered by the International Court of Justice | | Smoke rising above the northern Israeli town of Metula following an attack from Lebanon amid cross-border fighting betwe…

Staff (2024-05-17). Israeli army intercepts Hezbollah drones fired from Lebanon. haaretz.com Hezbollah claims responsibility for combat drones launch toward Western Galilee ‚ñ Israel accuses South Africa of false claims in ICJ genocide case ‚ñ Israeli soldier killed in accidental explosion near Gaza ‚ñ IDF announces two Thai hostages killed on Oct. 7; bodies held in Gaza ‚ñ Three Israeli soldiers wounded in drone explosion in Metula, one seriously ‚ñ Hezbollah reports two members killed in southern Lebanon ‚ñ Arab League countries call for international force in Gaza, WB, until two-state solution…

albawaba (2024-05-17). Hezbollah targets two Israeli military-industrial facilities. albawaba.com ALBAWABA- Lebanese Hezbollah fighters announced an air attack using drones targeted industrial facilities belonging to the Israeli Ministry of War. The attack focused on the "Elbit" military industries company and the "David Cohen" factory in "Tel Hai" (north of Kiryat Shmona). The David Cohen factory specializes in producing electronic systems for the Israeli army.According to the Hezbollah Resistance, they successfully targeted spy equipment carried on a crane in Tallet Al-Tayhat with precise weapons, resulting in its destruction.Hezbollah Resistance in Lebanon further announced that they targeted an Israeli en…

Editor (2024-05-17). John Kiriakou: The Heroism of David McBride. scheerpost.com

Jeffrey Sterling (2024-05-17). A Whistleblower's Return to the World. counterpunch.org I had a palpable sense of nerves approaching the day I was to travel to Perugia for the International Journalism Festival. I was invited by Kathleen McClellan and Jesselyn Radack of WHISPeR who were invited to present on the impact of leak prosecutions on the free press. I was certainly honored to be asked, but those emotions of

Rhoda Wilson (2024-05-17). NHS' coordinated plan to break doctors and nurses who raise concerns about patient safety. expose-news.com Over the last few days, The Telegraph has been running a series of articles about NHS whistleblowers who have had their careers and lives ruined while trying to raise concerns over patient …

John Kiriakou (2024-05-17). Australia: The Heroism of David McBride. John Kiriakou. asia-pacificresearch.com

greenleft.org.au (2024-05-17). Whistleblower David McBride sentenced, war criminals remain free. greenleft.org.au

teleSUR, ahf- SH (2024-05-17). Ataque de Ucrania a Belgorod cobra la vida de mujer y su hijo. telesurtv.net El gobernador de la región, Viacheslav Gladkov detalló que "varios municipios de la región de Belgorod" fueron atacados por drones ucranianos.

María Candela (2024-05-17). Apuesta Guantánamo por fortalecimiento de las capacidades de respuesta ante desastres. radiohc.cu Guantánamo, 17 may (RHC) Como parte de las actividades durante la Semana de Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres, la delegación del Ministerio de Ciencia Tecnología y Medio ambiente de conjunto con la Defensa Civil en la provincia ofreció un taller en torno al fortalecimiento de las capacidades de preparativos y respuesta ante sismos de gran magnitud.

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