2024-05-23: News Headlines

Editor (2024-05-23). May 23, 2024. sitrepworld.info Seo Linn — àìró Sé do Bheatha Bhaile It's Not Unusual That We're Being Lied To, It's Unusual That People Are Noticing, by Caitlin Johnstone A war of values: How the Western woke agenda is pushing nations towards multipolarity, by Lucas Leiroz CN Live! — 'A Turning Tide? Assange & Netanyahu' (Video) Israeli Scholar Sees Hope for Democratic Palestine 'To Replace This Apartheid State,' by Edward Carver Criticize Israel? You're fired — The Intercept Pal Chron, Day 229: Ben-Gvir Storms Al-Aqsa — 'Complex Operation' in Beit Hanoun Spain, Ireland and Norway Recognise Pa…

themoscowtimes (2024-05-23). Woman Killed in Drone Strike on Russia's Belgorod Region. themoscowtimes.com Russia's Defense Ministry said air defense systems shot down 35 Ukrainian missiles and three drones over the Belgorod region overnight.

Editor (2024-05-23). Assange victorious in High Court. mronline.org The threat of immediate extradition has been lifted in today's ruling against the U.S. government, reports John Rees from the court.

greenleft.org.au (2024-05-23). Assange given right to appeal extradition to US. greenleft.org.au

John Jiggens (2024-05-23). EXCLUSIVE: Assange's father John Shipton on UK High Court ruling. independentaustralia.net

greenleft.org.au (2024-05-23). Tasmania rallies for Julian Assange to be set free. greenleft.org.au

newarab (2024-05-23). The systematic torture of Gazans in Israel's secret prisons. newarab.com On 11 May, CNN exposed Israel's harrowing treatment of dozens of Gazan prisoners held hostage in the In the report, which stirred When The New Arab interviewed several of the 76 Gazan prisoners…

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