2024-06-23: News Headlines

Staff (2024-06-23). IDF soldier seriously wounded by drone as Hezbollah targets northern Israel. haaretz.com Hezbollah claims responsibility for drones fired to Upper Galilee ‚ñ Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry says 37,598 Palestinians killed in Strip since war started ‚ñ Netanyahu on U.S. withholding arms shipments: 'Main mass stayed behind' ‚ñ IDF says a drone that headed toward Israel from the east was intercepted overnight ‚ñ Israeli solider killed in operational accident in southern Gaza…

Kevin Gosztola, The Dissenter. (2024-06-23). Why Is A Stanford Student Reporter Still Facing Felony Charges? popularresistance.org A coalition of press freedom and First Amendment organizations have demanded that the Santa Clara County District Attorney's Office abandon felony charges against a Stanford University student reporter. | Dilan Gohill, a freshman, covers student protests for the university's newspaper known as The Daily. He was arrested on June 5, along with 12 demonstrators, after they engaged in an act of civil disobedience against the Stanford's investments in companies "that provide material and logistical support to Israel's current military campaign" in Gaza. | The letter [PDF] from the coalition to the local prosecutor ind…

presstv.ir (2024-06-23). Guantanamo victims: Israel using 'US-style' torture against Palestinians. presstv.ir Former Guantanamo detainees recount their abuse and torture in the United States detention facilities, saying Israel is using the same pattern against Palestinians illegally jailed in the occupied territories.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-06-23). Defense intercepts 33 Ukrainian drones in four Russian regions. plenglish.com In the statement published Sunday on its official Telegram page, it is specified that most of these unmanned aerial vehicles (28) were intercepted in Bryansk province; two were also shot down in Smolensk province; the same number in Lipetsk; and one in Tula province. | Aleksandr Bogomaz, the governor of Bryansk region, reported that an attempted terrorist attack was perpetrated against this territory on Sunday. | He added that, thanks to the professionalism of the anti-aircraft defense, these attacks did not cause any casualties or destruction, all drones were repelled and all targets were eliminated. | Russian…

hindustantimes (2024-06-23). Putin's Rage On Full Display; Destroys Ukraine's Western Arms Warehouses In Missile & Drone Strikes. hindustantimes.com The Russian Army, on June 22, claimed to have attacked Western-supplied air weapon depots in Ukraine. The Russian Defence Ministry said the warehouses, storing western-supplied weapons, were attacked with long-range air and sea-based weapons and drones. The Russian army reportedly also attacked Ukraine's Northeastern city of Kharkiv.

Kiran Bowry (2024-06-23). Germany's Greens Now Targeted by Friend and Foe Alike. fairobserver.com The German results of the European parliamentary elections have confirmed the predicted rise of far-right parties across Europe. Despite recent dips in opinion polls, internal espionage and bribery scandals, the far-right party Alternative fàºr Deutschland (AfD) soared to their best-ever nationwide election result with 15.9% of the vote. In contrast, voters punished the incumbent traffic…

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