2024-07-08: News Headlines

Nadia Mejjati, Waging Nonviolence. (2024-07-08). The Obsolescence Of War. popularresistance.org The proponents of war say that violence is necessary for "defense." But is that true? Humanity has learned how to wipe itself out in a matter of minutes with just a fraction of its nuclear weapons capability. Our atrocious culture of violence shows thousands of children killed in cold blood like a relentless horror film playing out on social media. We have invented killer-drones to undertake massacres without personally witnessing the horrors inflicted. In the face of our threatened extinction as a species, we must do better. That starts with seeing war for what it is. | War is grotesque. It represents the worst…

Agence France-Presse (2024-07-08). Hezbollah targets Israeli mountain base in 'largest' air attack. scmp.com Hezbollah said it launched 'multiple, successive squadrons of drones' at Mount Hermon in Israeli-occupied Syrian Golan Heights.

Margaret Kimberley, Black Agenda Report. (2024-07-08). Julian Assange Freed By The Prospect Of Justice. popularresistance.org The sudden announcement that Julian Assange would be freed after a plea agreement came as a great and very welcome surprise. Assange and the Wikileaks team were targets of United States persecution and prosecution by three different presidential administrations because they revealed secrets that the state wanted to keep hidden. | Wikileaks revealed war crimes committed during the George W. Bush administration in their Iraq War Logs and Afghanistan War Logs. Private Chelsea Manning leaked the Collateral Murder video, which shows the deaths of civilians, including two Reuters reporters, as they were gunned down by…

Kevin Rennie (2024-07-08). 'Free at last': Aussies respond to Julian Assange homecoming. globalvoices.org Wikileaks founder's release from prison brings mixed reactions down underOriginally published on Julian Assange home in Australia. Screenshot from 7.30″ on the

presstv.ir (2024-07-08). 'US directly involved in displacement of 40 million people worldwide'. presstv.ir Head of the Constitutional Council's Research Institute Abbas Ali Kadkhodaei addressed an international conference on Western human rights violations in Tehran.

Maxime Duriez (2024-07-08). Julian Assange is free. fidh.org

Staff (2024-07-08). Nuevos triciclos eléctricos apoyarán transportación de pasajeros en Guantánamo y Santiago de Cuba. cubadebate.cu Un total de 20 triciclos eléctricos apoyarán la transportación pública de pasajeros en cada una de las ciudades de Guantánamo y Santiago de Cuba, informó este domingo en su página en Facebook el ministro del Transporte, Eduardo Rodríguez Dávila. De acuerdo con el funcionario, en ambas localidades el servicio tendrá un costo de 10.00 CUP por cada pasajero.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-07-08). Triciclos eléctricos apoyarán transportación de pasajeros en Guantánamo y Santiago de Cuba. radiohc.cu La Habana, 8 jul (RHC) Un total de 20 triciclos eléctricos apoyarán la transportación pública de pasajeros en cada una de las ciudades de Guantánamo y Santiago de Cuba, informó este domingo en su página en Facebook el ministro del Transporte, Eduardo Rodríguez Dávila.

syndication (2024-07-08). Ultralight Drone Hunting Planes Now In Use In Ukraine. twz.com Ukraine's unorthodox efforts to develop ways of defeating Russian drones have taken an apparent new turn, with the appearance of a ultralight airplane carrying a sharpshooter to intercept uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs). At this stage, few details about the concept are available, but it's notable that the aircraft in question — the Ukrainian-made Aeroprakt A-22 — is a type that we have seen in the past adapted as a one-way attack drone, something you can read more about

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