Monthly Archives: June 2024

2024-06-19: News Headlines (2024-06-19). Report: Gaza doctor tortured to death during Israeli interrogation. Iyad Rantisi, 53, was abducted on November 11 at an Israeli checkpoint.

Robert Inlakesh (2024-06-19). Israeli Study Reveals Hezbollah's Military Might; Nasrallah Issues Warning. Israel now says it is ready for "all-out war," with its Northern Command approving operational plans for such a scenario. Meanwhile, Hezbollah's Secretary-General warned that they would not show restraint under these circumstances. This situation has led to varying estimates of the capabilities the Lebanese group might display in case of an all-out war with Israel. | Since October 8, Hezbollah has launched daily operations against Israeli military targets and settlements, using drones, missiles, and rockets to inflict significant damage. On day 250, the resistance group published an infographic detailing 2,125 mi…

newarab (2024-06-19). Israeli strike on Syria kills army officer: state media. A Syrian army officer was killed Wednesday in an Israeli air strike in the country's south, the official SANA news agency reported, citing a military source."The Israeli enemy carried out an aggression using drones against two military positions of our armed forces in the provinces of Quneitra and Daraa," the agency said, adding the attack resulted in the death of the officer and material damage.Israel has carried out hundreds of strikes on its northern neighbour since the outbreak of Syria's civil war, mainly targeting Syrian army positions and Iran-backed fighters including from Lebanon's Hezbollah group.The…

Ali Azgar (2024-06-19). What is Hezbollah's message behind their spy drone video? — analysis. The reports indicate a wide range of important sites, designed to show that Hezbollah is very familiar with all the areas it took video of. On June 18, Hezbollah released surveillance footage taken from drones that it says flew over parts of northern Israel's coast. The video is over nine minutes in length and was widely shared … (2024-06-19). France equips Israel's killer drones amid Gaza genocide: Report. Using those drones, Israel carried out at least eight deadly strikes against civilians and infrastructure in Gaza.

Jason Ditz (2024-06-19). Israeli Drone Strike Slays Military Officer in South Syria. Israeli drones carried out strikes in Quneitra and Daraa, both in southern Syria this morning, causing "material damage" to the military targets. One of the strikes reportedly killed a Syrian army officer. Israel, as is often the case, did not comment on it, as the policy is to not comment at all on the attacks …

MEE staff (2024-06-19). War on Gaza: Palestinians demand probe for doctor 'killed under Israeli torture'. War on Gaza: Palestinians demand probe for doctor 'killed under Israeli torture' | Dr Iyad Rantisi becomes the second physician known to have died in Israeli custody amid reports of systematic torture and abuse | | Dr Iyad Rantisi died at an Israeli interrogation facility six days after he was abduc…

newarab (2024-06-19). In Assad's Syria, arbitrary detention is a codeword for torture. Bashar al-Assad's Syria uses arbitrary detention as a systematic policy to silence dissent from Syrians brave enough to call for political change. | I should know, the organisation I founded, the From 2011 to 2023, we documented at least 1.3 million cases of arbitrary detention, of which at least 156,757 of those (2024-06-19). Shenzhen Window of the World celebrates 30th anniversary. A show of drones is held to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the opening of Window of the World theme park in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province on June 18. (2024-06-19). Iran's Navy says acquires advanced drones, to announce new unique additions to fleet. Iranian Navy Commander Rear Admiral Shahram Irani says there will be new additions to the force in the near future and that effective presence across the world's oceans is a priority. (2024-06-19). Iran's Navy Gains Advanced Drones. TEHRAN (Tasnim) — The Iranian naval forces have acquired military drones with state-of-the-art technologies, Navy Commander Rear Admiral Shahram Irani said.

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2024-06-17: News Headlines

newarab (2024-06-17). Israeli prisons 'worse than Guantanamo', Palestinians urge probe. (2024-06-17). Yemeni Armed Forces Announce New Anti-Israel, Anti-US Operations. TEHRAN (Tasnim) — The Yemeni Armed Forces launched new operations targeting three vessels in nearby waters, including an American destroyer, using missiles and drones.

Kevin Gosztola (2024-06-17). Florida Prison Officials Ban Issue Of Socialist Newspaper Over Photo Of Dead Israeli. The following is an exclusive article for subscribers of The Dissenter. Thank you for supporting independent journalism on press freedom, whistleblowing, and government secrecy.A press freedom group in the United States has urged Florida prisons to reconsider their ban against the April 29, 2024, issue of the socialist newspaper known as The Militant.Jackson Correctional Institution in Malone, Florida, " (2024-06-17). Explainer: How was Hamid Nouri framed, jailed, tortured and freed after 1,680 days. Hamid Nouri, an Iranian citizen and former judiciary official unlawfully sentenced to life imprisonment in Sweden over politically motivated charges, returned to Iran on Saturday after five years.

Pressenza IPA (2024-06-17). We stand with Pƒ±nar Selek until her final acquittal. On 28 June 2024, Pƒ±nar Selek will be tried for the fifth time by the Turkish state. | 26 years ago, in Turkey, Pƒ±nar Selek was arrested for her academic work on Kurdish resistance. In line with sociological professional ethics, she refuses to reveal the identities of the people she interviewed: she is tortured and kept in custody. In prison, she learns that she is accused of an "attack" on the Istanbul spice market — it was in fact an accidental gas explosion. She spends almost two years in prison. | She was acquitted a first time in 2006, but the public prosecutor appealed. Judicia…

latintimes (2024-06-17). US Reporter Gershkovich To Go On Trial In Russia On June 26. US journalist Evan Gershkovich will go on trial on espionage charges in Russia's Urals city of Yekaterinburg behind closed doors on June 26, the court overseeing the process said on Monday.

Reuters (2024-06-17). Russia sets closed espionage trial for US reporter Evan Gershkovich. Russia will hold the trial of the detained Wall Street Journal, who denies charges of collecting secrets for the CIA, behind closed doors later this month.

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