Daily Archives: July 1, 2024

2024-07-01: News Headlines

Binoy Kampmark (2024-07-01). Assange's Return to Australia: The Resentment of the Hacks. dissidentvoice.org Julian Assange of WikiLeaks fame is now back in the country of his birth, having endured conditions of captivity ranging from cramped digs in London's Ecuadorian embassy to the maximum-security facilities of Belmarsh Prison. His return to Australia after striking a plea deal with the US Department of Justice sees him in a state with …

IMEMC News (2024-07-01). 50 Released Detainees From Gaza Show Signs Of Torture, Abuse. imemc.org The Israeli authorities have released around 50 detainees from the Gaza Strip, including Dr. Mohammad Abu Salmiya, the Director of the Shifa Medical Center in Gaza, showing clear signs of torture and abuse, after the army abducted them during the ongoing aggression against the Gaza Strip, since October 7, 2023. Faraj as-Sammouni, one of the …

presstv.ir (2024-07-01). Gaza hospital chief says he was severely tortured in Israeli prisons. presstv.ir Mohammed Abu Salmiya was among more than 50 Palestinians released and returned to Gaza on Monday.

aljazeera (2024-07-01). Israel frees hospital chief with prisons 'full' of Gaza captives. aljazeera.com The detainees endured 'almost daily torture', claims al-Shifa Hospital Director Muhammad Abu Salmiya.

Yaniv Kubovich (2024-07-01). On the ground in Gaza with Israel's 'Ghost Unit,' fighting almost without being seen. haaretz.com The Israeli soldiers of the Multidomain Unit are using robots, drones and classified instruments in their Gaza operations. One thing was glaringly absent when we accompanied them on an operation in the heart of Gaza…

presstv.ir (2024-07-01). Iraqi resistance hits vital Israeli target in Eilat port with drones. presstv.ir The Islamic Resistance in Iraq says it has hit a vital Israeli target in Eilat port with drones.

Associated Press (2024-07-01). Freed Gaza hospital chief says he was 'tortured' in Israeli detention. scmp.com The release of Mohammed Abu Selmia without charge or trial raised further questions about Israel's allegations regarding al-Shifa Hospital, which its forces have raided on two occasions.

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2024-07-01). Assange's Return to Australia: The Resentment of the Hacks. globalresearch.ca

Manlio Dinucci (2024-07-01). Assange: Inquisiàßà£o do Império condena o jornalismo herético. globalresearch.ca "O fundador do WikiLeaks declara-se culpado e é condenado por conspirar para obter e divulgar informaàßàµes classificadas sobre a defesa nacional. Julian Assange, fundador do WikiLeaks, declarou-se culpado de conspirar com Chelsea Manning, na altura analista dos serviàßos secretos do …

Kate Horgan (2024-07-01). Freedom for Julian Assange and Navigating our Digital Democracy. projectcensored.org Independent journalist Kevin Gosztola, author of Guilty of Journalism: The Political Case Against Julian Assange, rejoins the program to discuss Julian Assange's plea bargain with the US Department of Justice that finally frees the WikiLeaks founder from Britain's Belmarsh Prison. Assange, who was detained there for more than five years,…

_____ (2024-07-01). The End of the Biggest Press Freedom Case of the Century. transcend.org 25 Jun 2024 – A global effort by advocates, campaigners, journalists, organizers, and supporters of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange pushed President Joe Biden's administration to finally free Assange.

_____ (2024-07-01). Julian Assange Arrives in Australia Back from UK Prison. transcend.org 26 Jun 2024 – WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange had an emotional reunion with his wife Stella and his father as he disembarks from the plane in Australia welcomed by an applauding crowd after more than five years of wrongful captivity at the Belmarsh maximum security prison in England.

_____ (2024-07-01). Assange Released from Prison after Agreeing to Plead Guilty to Espionage Act Violation. transcend.org 24 Jun 2024 – The plea bargain allows the Wikileaks founder to return to Australia after a court date in the Mariana Islands.

Emilia Cieslak (2024-07-01). The Weekly Round-up: Russian human rights abuses in Ukraine, climate litigation on the rise, Assange pleads guilty and goes free. ukhumanrightsblog.com In UK news Julian Assange has been released from HM Prison Belmarsh after accepting a plea deal with American prosecutors. Assange pleaded guilty to one charge of conspiracy to violate the Espionage Act, for communicating with whistleblower Chelsea Manning and receiving and publishing classified information regarding Guantanamo Bay, the Afghan and Iraq war, and US …

Maxime Duriez (2024-07-01). Julian Assange is free. fidh.org

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