Daily Archives: May 17, 2023

2023-05-17: News Headlines

WSWS (2023-05-16). Poll shows 79 percent of Australians want Assange freed. wsws.org The poll reflects a groundswell of support for Assange, despite more than a decade of government and media lies and calumny.

midwesternmarx (2023-05-16). Why Julian Assange Is at the Vanguard for World Press Freedom. By: Prabir Purkayastha. midwesternmarx.com We celebrate World Press Freedom Day in May as a reminder that the role of news organizations is to speak truth to power. Not for manufacturing consent—to use Chomsky's famous words—for the government and the ruling classes.​It's an occasion to remember three people who exemplify the need to speak the truth: Daniel Ellsberg of Pentagon Papers fame and Julian Assange of WikiLeaks; and also of Chelsea Manning, without whom we would not have …

Staff (2023-05-16). El tiempo: Lluvias desde Matanzas hasta Guantánamo. cubadebate.cu Será abundante la nubosidad en las regiones central y oriental, con algunos chubascos y tormentas eléctricas, desde Matanzas y hasta Guantánamo, las que se extenderán hasta el anochecer y serán fuertes en algunas localidades. En la región occidental amanecerá con poca nubosidad y se nublará en la tarde hacia el interior y sur de la región con aislados chubascos y tormentas eléctricas.

ecns.cn (2023-05-16). Hong Kong resident given life sentence for espionage. ecns.cn Born in May 1945, Leung holds permanent residency in the Hong Kong Special Administration Region and also possesses a United States passport, the court said.According to provisions of the Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law, Suzhou's national security bureau detained him on April 15, 2021, on suspicion of spying.

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